Podcast: How does gender affect migration?

03 Jun 2024

For the second episode of ECDPM’s podcast series 'Minding the gap: Conversations on gender', Omololá Olárìndé joins ECDPM's Jamie Slater to discuss the latest findings from the DYNAMIG project and what they might mean for the way we understand migration and migration policy.

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00:00 - Gender and migration: myths and differences
07:50 - Women as more than victims
09:10 - Decolonising research and research surprises
14:25 - What do we still not know?

In Nigeria, we found that when women didn’t face livelihood pressures, they were less likely to aspire to migrate. But in other African countries we looked at, aspirations were also linked to religion and social norms.

Omololá Olárìndé

Read more about gender and migration

Have a look at our paper on gender in migration aspirations, decision-making, trajectories and policies.

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