A better understanding of migration decisions and policies
DYNAMIG is a three-year project that aims to create a more thorough understanding of how people make decisions on whether and how to migrate. Focusing on Africa and Europe, we will analyse to what extent the diverse experiences of migrants are taken into consideration when migration policies – or policies that impact migration – are made. We will also look at how effective these policies are in shaping migrants’ decisions and behaviour.
What we want to find out
How do people decide whether to migrate?
What are the factors that play a role in people’s decisions to migrate or not and how to migrate? And are these factors equally important for different groups of people? DYNAMIG aims to create a more thorough understanding of how people make migration decisions.
Do policymakers take into account migrants’ decisions, preferences and behaviour?
How do policymakers think about migrants’ behaviour and migration processes? DYNAMIG explores the extent to which migration policies – or policies that impact migration – take into account people’s preferences, decisions and behaviour.
Do migration-related policies influence people’s decisions?
To what extent can migration policies – or policies that impact migration – influence people’s decisions and behaviour? Why do some policies work and others don’t? DYNAMIG will analyse how effective migration-related policies are in influencing people’s decisions and behaviour.